You and your art deserve to be supported and celebrated.

Would it be crazy to gain valuable perspective on where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there?

Let’s get together for a virtual cup of coffee and talk about your amazing art.

Schedule a complimentary 45-minute video call with me and let's delve into your artistic journey together. We'll explore where you currently stand in your creative endeavors and where you aspire to be. I'm here to address any questions you may have and, if you wish, offer constructive feedback on your work.

During our call, my aim is to equip you with actionable ideas that align with your personal artistic goals. By the end of our conversation, you'll gain fresh insights and actionable strategies to nurture both your art and artistic practice. Let's spark creativity and growth together!

Book Your Virtual Cup of Coffee Below

Seeing your work allows me to grasp your unique artistic vision and understand where you currently stand along your creative path. Whether you're a seasoned abstract artist or just starting to explore abstract concepts, your dedication to your craft is what truly matters.

During our conversation, my primary goals are to gain a comprehensive understanding of your creative journey and provide you with clarity on your next steps, regardless of whether you choose to partner with Strong Artist Life. You don't need a website or Instagram for your art, but if available, they provide helpful context for me to better understand your style.

I'm excited to connect with you and delve into your artistic world. Together, we'll explore ideas and strategies to fuel your creative endeavors.

Once you have submitted the form below, you will see a link to use to schedule your meeting with me.